Completed online training on ”Science-Policy-Society interactions in ecosystem-based marine resources management and planning”

The Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) and the BlueMed coordination and Support Action, in collaboration with IOC-UNESCO and MSP Global Initiative organised an online training course on “Science-Policy-Society interactions in ecosystem-based marine resources management and planning”. The training was held during three mornings, on 22, 24 and 26 of March, 2021. The online training course was supported by the Marine Institute (Croatia), the National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR, Italy), the European Topic Centre of the University of Malaga (Spain), and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) (France) and communication support from MedCities (Spain) and Latte Creative (Italy).

The participation to the training course was closed for 33 pre-selected trainees and a few more who participated as attendees, i.e. without live interactions with trainers. Pre-seleceted candidates already attended a 2-hour mandatory webinar on September 17, 2020, and will benefit from a physical workshop – if the sanitary situation allows it – in Autumn 2021.

The aim of the training course was to help participants to improve their knowledge and understanding of science-policy-society interactions and their capacity to connect science with policy and industry, in particular through the use of ecosystem-based management in marine spatial planning.

In total, 57 participants attended the online training school, including the trainers, trainees, attendees and technical staff. Detailed information on the training course, as all the material, can be found at the following MBPC webpage and the edited videos of the lectures on the MBPC YouTube channel.